Thursday, June 19, 2008

I can walk!!

Mommy has been bribing me with cake and treats to try to get me to walk. What I really wanted was the Swiffer Wet Jet!! Or maybe I was just waiting for Grandad's birthday. :)

Watch me go!


  1. Oh my goodness!!! That is soooo adorable! WTG Andrew!!!

  2. OH My gravy, that made me cry! I am so happy your parents were there to see him to do!

  3. Yay, Andrew!!! What a great birthday present for your grandad!
    Kerri and Ruby

  4. Could your heart just not have burst out of your chest with pride? That is how I felt twice!! That is AWESOME!! I love the first "Frankenbaby" walking (that is what we called it) with the arms up.

    Andrew, that is fantastic!!

  5. Way to go, Andrew! Jack, Sally and I just watched the video together and we are so excited for you! What a big week you have had...baptism, readoption, Grandad's fun.

  6. YOU GO BOY. keep up the walking. ALissa & Emilio

  7. AWWWWW RUTHANNE he walks exactly like Kemry walked when she first started. LOL My sister was here watching that with me yesterday and couldn't believe how much that looks like the videos we have of Kemry first walking. WATCH OUT! lol That is the sweetest video ever. #1 Andrew is WALKING and so precious. #2 because your dad talking through it. lol that is so cute
