Saturday, August 23, 2008

Block Party

Our friend, Colleen, invited us to her block party today. We had a wonderful time--even when it started to rain. Andrew was definitely NOT shy. He walked all around without me and had no problem muscling his way into the water table, trying out every single toy on wheels and going into other people's garages to look for more toys. I walked into someone's garage to find him high-5'ing people he didn't even know! lol At one point, he car-jacked a Barbie jeep from three little girls.
It had rained before we got there and Andrew walked in/fell in every puddle he could find. He was a wet, muddy mess and he loved every minute of it.

He stole this out of someone's garage.

Beanbags, anyone?

What's in here?

Water balloons!!

His first rice krispie treat. He LOVED it. (I was secretly hoping he wouldn't so I could have the rest of his.)

Look at his cheeks. They're full of rice krispie treats.

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  1. I have always wanted to go to a block party!!! How fun! I love the Rice Krispie cheeks!!!! CUTE!

  2. He is so cute - so cute! (love the t-shirt)
