Thursday, July 31, 2008

Kalahari--day three

Unfortunately, my poor little boy got sick Wednesday night and had a fever of 101. Luckily, Kelly had children's motrin which works much better on his fevers than Tylenol. He slept (tossed and turned) in bed with me and we both managed to get a little bit of sleep. His fever broke shortly after he woke up in the morning. We had planned to stay at Kalahari and play for a while after check-out, but our plans to go to my aunt and uncle's changed (my aunt got sick) so we drove to Gramma and Grandad's instead. We left right after checkout and Andrew slept on and off for the first 4 hours of the trip. When we finally stopped to eat at 4:00, his fever had spiked again to 102. Within 15 minutes of taking more Motrin, it was back down to 99.
We have an appt with my parents' dr. tomorrow. I'm worried about an ear infection since his ear plugs kept falling out and I eventually lost one of them. I kept him out of the water after that, but I'm still worried.

Devon and Andrew playing on the luggage cart.

Passed out in his carseat with Manny, Lovey and his sippy cup--his constant companions.

I don't often get to drive through PA in the summer. It's so beautiful when everything is green. It was hard to get good pictures of the mountains as I was driving, but I managed to get a couple.

These farms are everywhere--tucked in between the mountains.

I love how you can see the shadows from the clouds on the mountains in these pictures.

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  1. Pobrecito!!! Hope that he is feeling better soon...too much partying ;) Have a great rest of your trip!

  2. Boy oh boy does Andrew have a pretty friend or what??? LOL I miss you already and can't wait for your visit tomorrow! We had a blast in Sandusky with you!!
