Saturday, June 19, 2010

A day at the park

Today is my dad's birthday. The power was still out so he did not get a special breakfast. (he didn't even get coffee.) He did get a present, though.

We spent the morning at a wonderful park. It had a splash pad, sand area, playground, climbing equipment and a zip line. There was something for everyone.

I just love their little shadows in this picture.

Two cuties in a caboose:


Yep. He's been working out.

Climbing cousins...Bennett and Andrew:

I cannot believe this thing passed the playground safety test. lol

Daredevils like their dad.


My little baby rode the 75 ft. zip line. Guess he's not a baby anymore. (maybe he'll give up the diapers soon.)

Uncle Dan was showing him how to hang on tight.

There was a great sand, play area. It was like a mad scientist's sand lab.


This shirt had to be thrown away...the true sign of a really fun day.

Riding on the saucer swing:

Daniel and Uncle Daniel (who only likes to be called Dan, now)

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