Sunday, June 15, 2008


Andrew was baptized today.
It went well even though we got a rough start. Just as we were leaving the house a HUGE storm blew in. It knocked a tree over outside my condo and we had to drive several miles out of our way because there were power lines down right outside the church. Our church is undergoing a major construction project so the front of the church looks very different than what I'm used to.

The baptism went well. Andrew was very charming while the pastor held him.

Family photo:

Andrew with Gramma and Grandad:

We came home, had a yummy dinner and opened baptism and Father's Day presents.

Mommy's letting me have cake?? It MUST be a special day!

I am a VERY good present opener!

Gramma and Grandad gave Andrew a Creation Globe. It's VERY neat. It is a set of 6 nesting globes--each globe representing a different day of the Creation story.

The pre-nap meltdown begins.

Post nap-more presents.

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  1. OH!!! It looks like such a GREAT day!! Andrew looks so handsome!!! What a wonderful day full of great memories!!

  2. What a great day! Minus the storm! Glad everyone made it safely. Andrew looks as handsome as ever and your outfit looks great Mom!!

  3. Congratulations, I cannot believe what a terrific big boy he is becoming.

  4. Happy Baptism Day and Grandpa Day!! I cannot believe how grown up Andrew is looking! Especially looking at the flag pics from a year ago. He is a beautiful and precious little man!

  5. Congratulations!!! Andrew is adorable as always and getting SO BIG!!!


  6. God bless your precious heart on such a special day!

  7. Ohhhhh Ruthanne the pictures are GREAT and the video is precious!!!! :) When Kemry just watched that with me, she pointed at Andrew and growled. LOL I think she associates him with the wild animals at the zoo now.
