Saturday, September 29, 2012


We had an amazing experience this weekend. We got to meet Andrew's sister and her mom. We have known Isa and Kerrilyn for a few years but have never met. The kids were too young to really understand their relationship and we decided to wait until they were a little bit older. This summer, Kerrilyn and I made the decision to have them meet. It was an exciting, wonderful, difficult, emotional, unforgettable weekend.

The boys ran full force down the hall of the hotel to see Isa for the first time.

Their first group hug.

Kerrilyn and Isa asked us to stay and swim at the hotel for a while. It was a good way to break the ice for the kids.

Since it was Andrew's family day, he got to choose the day's activity. He asked to go to the zoo. We missed the dolphin show but still got to show Isa one of our favorite places to hang out.

Yeah. They look a little bit alike.

We found out that Isa loves to take pictures and is very good at it.

We found out that Daniel likes fish.

Schlemeel, schlemazel

 You have to have your picture taken in the kangaroo.

After the zoo, we drove into the city for some delicious Guatemalan food.

On Saturday, we hung out at home for the morning. During lunch, we found out that Andrew and Isa eat the same thing for lunch. Neither one of them likes bread so they eat meat roll-ups, cheese sticks and hard-boiled eggs. 
After lunch, we went to the park at the boys' school so they could show her 'their park'. 

Playing tag together.

Daniel has a little sister-crush going on.

I love this picture.

 A tearful goodbye.


  1. What an amazing thing and connection they will have for a life. A true gift!

  2. Unbelievably cool! I love this.

  3. Hmm, Wow! That is so great. wiping my tears.
