Sunday, July 18, 2010


oh my gosh! It was SO hot today! We hung out at a great local park with Kelly, Tara and their families.
(some of these pictures were taken by Kelly. She is an amazing photographer.)

Birds of a feather:

Andrew was playing hide-n-seek with Devon. She would much rather cheese for the camera than look for someone who's right next to her. Smart girl.

Uncle Curly might be Daniel's new favorite person. He pushed him in the swing for over 1/2 an hour.

They had a dance area with speakers around the circle. Of course, that was an opportunity that Andrew could not pass matter how hot it was.


This kid gets cuter and sweeter every time I see him (which isn't nearly enough).

Karson obviously doesn't know that I feel panicky when kids swing this high.

Daniel sat in this swing for 45 minutes. He was pooped from all the swimming the day before and too hot to run around.

The climber:

Sweet Kemry-pie:

All of our adopted kids under one roof (so to speak). They were hiding in the playhouse to get out of the sun.

The kids were so hot. They were all chugging bottles of water.

Daniel drank tons of water but was still hot so I dumped a bottle over his head. He loved it!

After the park, we headed to the McDonald's playland to soak up some air conditioning and tire the kids out for the rides home.

The boy in the bubble (one of the only boys I know who's as cute as John Travolta).

Daniel's new favorite sport: jumping off of everything.

Yes! He stuck the landing!


  1. Great pictures! Andrew is WAY cuter than John Travolta!

  2. Such great pictures, it looks like they all had so much fun together. :)
